This unmatched resource is a complete survey of the substantive law of PA Workers' Compensation Practice
- 36 chapters take you through claims and the steps in the adjudication process
- Also covers the Pennsylvania Occupational Disease Act, the Heart and Lung Act, and other compensation statutes
- "Comments" and "Practice Tips" throughout the chapters caution and advise you
- Quick-reference charts summarize applicable forms and sections of the Act
- Straightforward tables provide facts and case citations for major issues and fact-specific situations
- Chapters addressing change of status are organized by moving party/petition
- Specific loss chapter includes charts listing the statutory section, nature of injury, benefit period, and healing period
- Covers the latest amendments to the Workers’ Compensation Act
- Explains filing and service of documents, including electronic filing and service
Practice tips and tools to make your job easier
- A searchable PDF
- 16 handy and practical appendices (over 300 pages), updated for 2024
- Index of cases, statutory index, and subject matter index
- Detailed table of contents to help you find what you need quickly
Summary of Contents
Part One: Claims Law
- Legislative History and Amendments
- Exclusive Remedy and Principles of Immunity
- Claim: Jurisdiction, Notice, and Statute of Limitations
- Claim: Employment Relationship
- Claim: Definition of Injury
- Claim: Causal Relationship (“Related Thereto")
- Claim: Course and Scope of Employment
- Claim: Affirmative Defenses and Exclusions
- Occupational Disease Claims
- Procedures to Obtain Benefits
- Average Weekly Wage
- Wage Loss Benefits and Overpayments
- Specific Loss Benefits
- Offsets, Credits, and Subrogation
- Medical Benefits
- Utilization Review Process
- Reporting Obligations, Employee Verifications, and Sanctions
- Interest, Costs, and Counsel Fees
- Penalties
- Third-Party Subrogation
- Child Support, Judgments, Liens, Bankruptcy, Insolvency, and Uninsured Employers
- Heart and Lung Act and Other Compensation Statutes
Part Two: Change of Status
Section A: Employer-Initiated Change
- Physical Examinations (IMEs), Expert Interviews, and Impairment Rating Evaluations (IREs)
- Supersedeas and Supersedeas Fund Reimbursement
- Termination or Cessation of Benefits
- Suspension of Benefits
- Modification of Benefits
- Employer Petition to Review
Section B: Employee-Initiated Change
- Reinstatement
- Employee Petition to Review
Section C: Settlement
- Settlement
Part Three: Evidentiary Matters
- General Evidentiary Principles
- Medical Evidence
Part Four: Practice Before the WCJ
- Practice Before the WCJ
Part Five: Appellate Practice
- Proceedings Before the WCAB
- Proceedings Before the Appellate Courts
Part Six: Appendices
- Board, Bureau, and Office of Adjudication Information and Personnel
- WCJ Rules
- WCAB Rules
- Bureau Rules and Regulations
- Act 57 Regulations, with Act 53 Amendments
- Medical Cost Containment Regulations
- Workers' Compensation Rate Table
- Workers' Compensation Automation and Integration System (WCAIS)
- List of Current Workers' Compensation Forms
- Mediation Best Practices
- Internet Resources for Pennsylvania Workers' Compensation Practitioners
- Pennsylvania Heart and Lung Act
- Course and Scope of Employment—Section 301(c)(1)
- Statutory Index and Purdon’s Conversion Chart
- Table of Cases
- Subject Matter Index
Terms & Conditions

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