Simple Ways to Self-Care

By Taylor Burton Published on September 11, 2024

Estimated reading time: 5 Minutes

Did you know that September is Self-Care Awareness Month? As a lawyer, you may find yourself often putting your client's needs, the needs of the firm, or others' needs above your own. You work long hours to get the job done, despite the threat of burnout. However, if you are constantly filling up everyone else's cup, you might one day find yours dry and empty. That's why it's so important you take time for self-care.

When you think of self-care, you might imagine a luxurious day at the spa, complete with a massage, but boosting our mental health comes in many forms. If you take a little time for self-care each day, you'll find yourself feeling much better for it. Here are several, simple ways you can self-care without breaking the bank.

Use those vacation days. Inconceivable! Even so...use 'em or lose 'em and they would serve you better if you used them! Stepping away from your busy career every so often can help you reduce stress, anxiety, depression, and potential for burnout. On the flip side, it will increase your energy, resilience, and overall happiness. Taking breaks is of utmost importance if you truly want to embrace self-care. Don't shy away from using those vacation, personal, or sick days if you need them.

If you'd like to learn more about how to vacation like a pro and not an overworked lawyer, check out this past blog post.

Be your own cheerleader. When you hold yourself to high standards and fall short of them, you might internally admonish yourself for it. If you're constantly thinking phrases such as "I'm not good enough," or "I'm such a screw-up," it's time to turn that around. If your critical internal monologue was a stranger, would you let them talk to you that way? Or would you ever say these words to a beloved friend or family member? Absolutely not. Speak to yourself as you would another loved one and be your own cheerleader. If you ever feel toxic thoughts starting to seep in, catch yourself and stop them in their tracks. Instead of dragging yourself down with negativity or laser-focusing on your mistakes, reflect on the positive. A positive mindset will not only lift up your mental health, but also those you surround yourself with.

Keep in touch with friends. Humans are social creatures. We naturally feel better by staying connected with our friends, family, and community. Unfortunately, a social life is the first thing to fall by the wayside when we get ultra-busy. Set the intention to put some time aside each week to spend time (or at the very least check in) with your friends. Everybody has different social needs. Understanding what yours are can aid you in fulfilling them.

Care for your body. Your mind and your body are closely connected; good choices for your physical being will positively affect your mental health. This means be sure to get enough sleep, eat healthy foods, and take time to exercise. Don't skip those yearly physicals or dentist appointments, either. If your physical health has fallen by the wayside because of your busy schedule, don't be intimidated by making big changes. Instead, take baby steps. Try going for daily walks in nature before buying that expensive gym membership. Eliminate overprocessed foods from your diet and trade that bag of chips in for a handful of berries or a healthy salad. Your body is worth the effort because you only get one.

Does it spark joy? Remember when Marie Kondo was all over the news with her famous quote on what household items should stay in your life? It can be applied to almost anything! Ask yourself which activities bring you the most joy or relaxation and reserve a space in your schedule for them. There's no better way to fill up your cup than by doing what you love. On the flip side, if you find something is causing unnecessary stress in your life, it might be time to take a step back.

Set the intention. Throughout this post, I keep mentioning "put it in your schedule!" That's because if you don't set the intention to self-care, you might never get there. It's easy to fall back into old habits if you're not careful. Take some time to review your daily or weekly schedule with a critical eye. Determine where there's room to fit in some "you" time. Ask yourself if every task is 100% necessary. If it is, can you pair it with something that makes you happy? For example, combine a chore with a fun playlist or your favorite podcast. I personally save one of my favorite YouTube series only for when it's time to fold laundry, which actually has me looking forward to it now (crazy).

By setting intention and formulating a solid plan, you will be that much more likely to successfully pull off the art of self-care!

What's your favorite way to self-care? Leave us a comment on our Facebook or LinkedIn and let us know!