5 Methods to Combat Burnout

By Taylor Burton Published on January 15, 2025

Estimated reading time: 4 Minutes

"Burnout" has become quite the buzzword in the past few years, particularly among the legal community, where discussions of mental health are of utmost importance. In case you didn't already know, burnout is defined as the state of complete mental, physical, and emotional exhaustion. It can creep up on the most dedicated attorneys and measures must be taken to ward against it. After all, how can you assist others if you yourself are drowning?

In the past, we published an article on how to recognize the symptoms of burnout, a very valuable read, especially if you suspect that you or a loved one may be suffering from it. If you'd like to learn more, take a few minutes to read that first article before returning to this one and learning five methods that can help combat burnout.

And when you've finished here, don't miss the opportunity to register for "The Lawyer's Guide to Mitigating Burnout: Caring for Ourselves and Our Clients in Challenging Times" on Thursday, January 30. This workshop will provide an opportunity for the legal professional to experience the resource of self-compassion as a tool to mitigate the stress of burnout. If this is an important topic to you, make attending this valuable CLE your priority!

Read on.

Prioritize work-life balance. It's not enough to say that you value work-life balance. You have to mean it and follow through. Draw boundaries between your professional and personal lives. Learn how to unplug from work and resist checking your email or tackling tasks when you should be resting. If your workload is busting at the seams, learn how to say no to new responsibilities without the guilt, or else you might find yourself overwhelmed.

It's much easier to prevent burnout than it is to banish it! Cultivate a healthy work-life balance and you'll never have to experience that feeling of being utterly drained.

Streamline your workload. It's time to put a magnifying glass on your professional life and ponder where improvements could be made. Don't hesitate to get creative with it; there are plenty of ways to streamline your workload. It could be as simple as relying more on the members of your firm. Don't be afraid to delegate tasks when necessary.

Embracing technology is another way you could make life easier. Maybe it's time you integrated artificial intelligence into your firm. Or perhaps what you need is new project management software to really keep you organized. Identify the pain points of your career and seek out if a solution exists.

Embrace mindfulness. Being mindful of what your body needs can improve your mental health. Make sure you're eating well, carving out time to exercise, and taking a little time to meditate or self-reflect each day. A mere ten minutes of meditation and deep breathing can reduce stress. Ask yourself...what relieves stress in your life? A relaxing massage or running a marathon? Make room in your schedule for your favorite stress-relieving activities and you will feel much better for it.

Read this past blog to learn more about mindfulness or check out these simple ways to self-care.

Seek support. Networking is important to every attorney...but what about a support network? You should be able to lean on your family, friends, and colleagues during difficult times. It will go a long way for your well-being. If that's not possible, consider joining a bar association (such as the PBA!) where you can discuss challenges and rely on your fellow attorneys.

If needed, don't hesitate to seek professional support. Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers is a confidential helpline provided at no charge to Pennsylvania lawyers. Learn more here.

Remember your passion. Sometimes it gets dark, and we lose sight of what's important, but know that the sunrise is never far off. Look within you to remember your "why" ...the reason you decided to take on the challenges of being an attorney. Keep the flame of your passion for your profession burning. After all, you play a valuable role in so many lives! Don't forget that!