• On-Demand Video

Productivity Bootcamp 2023

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On-Demand Video

---------- CLE 2 sub/0 eth PRICE Regular: $149.00
New Attorney: $75.00
Subscribers Pay: $0.00


Do you have too much on your plate and not enough time to get it done? Or an overflowing email inbox you use as your de facto to do list? Are you missing deadlines and never sure what the next thing is you should be working on? Then this course is for you.  Receive practical tips for getting more done in the same amount of time by being purposeful and efficient with your time.  From to-do lists to software recommendations and how to keep email deluge at bay, this Productivity Bootcamp will leave you with things you can do today to make you more productive and less stressed in your law practice.

Recorded in September 2023.

Practice Areas


Joshua Harris Camson Esq. Miller Turetsky Rule & McLennan
Faculty may vary by location.
PBI reserves the right to substitute speakers at all programs.
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