On-Demand Video

Musical Chairs: Ethical Challenges When Lawyers Change Jobs (2022 Essential Ethics Session)

  • City:
  • Start Date:2022-12-15 19:00:00
  • End Date:2024-12-15 19:00:00
  • Length:
  • Level:Basic
  • Topics:Ethics

$79.00 ProPass

[{"jurisdiction":"Supreme Court of Delaware Commission on Continuing Legal Education","status":"Self Apply","state":"Delaware","credits":"","expiration_date":"December 15, 2023","speciality_credit":[{"category":"Ethics and Professional Responsibility","state_category":"Enhanced Ethics","credit":"0.75"}]},{"jurisdiction":"Virginia State Bar","status":"Self Apply","state":"Virginia","credits":"","expiration_date":"October 31, 2023","speciality_credit":[{"category":"Ethics and Professional Responsibility","state_category":"Legal Ethics and Professionalism","credit":"1.0"}]},{"jurisdiction":"Supreme Court of New Jersey Board on Continuing Legal Education","status":"Reciprocity ","state":"New Jersey","credits":"","expiration_date":"December 15, 2025","speciality_credit":[{"category":"Ethics and Professional Responsibility","state_category":"Ethics and Professionalism","credit":"1.1"}]},{"jurisdiction":"The Florida Bar","status":"Self Apply","state":"Florida","credits":"","expiration_date":"June 15, 2024","speciality_credit":[{"category":"Ethics and Professional Responsibility","state_category":"Ethics","credit":"1.0"}]},{"jurisdiction":"New York CLE Board","status":"Approved","state":"New York","credits":"","expiration_date":"December 15, 2025","speciality_credit":[{"category":"Ethics and Professional Responsibility","state_category":"Ethics and Professionalism","credit":"1.0"}]},{"jurisdiction":"Supreme Court of Ohio","status":"Credit not available","state":"Ohio","credits":"","expiration_date":"December 31, 2022","speciality_credit":[{"category":"Ethics and Professional Responsibility","state_category":"Attorney Professional Conduct","credit":"0.0"}]},{"jurisdiction":"West Virginia State Bar Continuing Legal Education Commission","status":"Applied for","state":"West Virginia","credits":"","expiration_date":"December 15, 2025","speciality_credit":[{"category":"Ethics and Professional Responsibility","state_category":"Ethics","credit":"1.12"}]},{"jurisdiction":"Pennsylvania Continuing Legal Education Board","status":"Approved","state":"Pennsylvania","credits":"","expiration_date":"December 15, 2024","speciality_credit":[{"category":"Ethics and Professional Responsibility","state_category":"Ethics","credit":"0.5"}]}]
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There was a time when many legal professionals started at a firm or other legal job right out of law school and remained with the same organization for their entire career.  That longevity is far less common in recent years.  There are many reasons why lawyers may move from one legal position to another over the course of their professional lives and when a lawyer moves from one organization to another, there are legal and ethical issues that emerge.  These issues impact not only the transitioning lawyer, but also impact clients and the firm or organization from which the lawyer is departing as well as the firm or organization to which the lawyer is moving. Understanding these issues before making a move can help lawyers and the entities with which they are affiliated avoid serious ethical lapses. This program will focus on the following principal topics. 

  • The ethical obligation of lawyers and their firms or other legal employers to clients.
  • The ethical obligations of departing lawyers to fellow lawyers and the firms/legal employers they are leaving or joining.  
  • The ethical rules and other standards of expected conduct with respect to transitioning clients from one firm to another at client request. 
  • The contractual obligations of firms and partners when lawyers leave firm partnerships and how to handle those obligations with civility.
  • The ethical and contractual issues when transitioning from private practice to in house positions or the reverse including whether restrictive covenants are enforceable. 
  • The ethical issues facing lawyers moving to or from government legal positions or to or from judicial officer positions.

Recorded at Essential Ethics in December 2022.


Francine Griesing Esq.

Francine Friedman Griesing, founder of Griesing Law, LLC, a woman-owned firm based in Philadelphia, has over 40 years of experience representing clients in business transactions, commercial litigation, government affairs and employment matters. Fran frequently serves as a neutral arbitrator and mediator in commercial matters and employment disputes. She is a highly sought speaker and published author on legal and business ethics, having been recognized as a leading expert on discrimination, harassment and bullying in the law. Ms. Griesing is also a serial entrepreneur, who co-founded Bossible, a marketing consultancy that helps entrepreneurs, professionals, privately- held businesses and diverse businesses build and execute marketing plans that amplify them as thought leaders in their industries. She is also co-founder of GriesingMazzeo Leadership, an educational and training firm that helps clients improve their bottom line through effective strategies for enhancing diversity, inclusion, equity and elimination of bias across all constituencies. A graduate of the University of Pennsylvania Law School, she received numerous accolades including receiving The Philadelphia Inquirer’s Lifetime Achievement Award in Diversity and Inclusion.

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